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Read This Before You Tick Yes To Automatic GA4 Migration by Google

Why You Don’t Want Google to Automatically Set Up Your GA4

Time is ticking and the deadline for Universal Analytics (UA) is upon us…

July 1, 2023 is the date that Google will stop collecting new data into UA. We can imagine that this change is something a lot of marketers have tried to ignore for as long as possible since the process of it can seem very overwhelming.

Google however has announced that they will automatically make Google Analytics 4 properties for those on UA who haven’t created them yet. While this may seem like a convenient option for many there are a few things to consider before you can lean back completely. 

4 potential risks and challenges associated with an automatic migration from Universal Analytics to GA4:

1. Loss of historical data:

Migrating from Universal Analytics to GA4 can result in the loss of some historical data. GA4 uses a different data model and event tracking system, which means that some data may not transfer over automatically. This could impact your ability to analyse and compare data over time.

2. Compatibility issues:

Some third-party tools and integrations may not be compatible with GA4. If you rely on specific tools or integrations, you’ll need to check whether they are compatible with GA4 before migrating.

Do you have your GA4 set up and would like peace of mind that everything is working correctly? Download our GA4 Guide to learn more about our audit service!

3. Customisation challenges:

If you have a highly customised implementation of Universal Analytics, migrating to GA4 may be more challenging. Some customisations may not transfer over automatically, and you may need to make additional changes to your implementation to ensure that everything works correctly.

4. Loss of certain features:

GA4 has different features than Universal Analytics.

The auto upgrade from Universal Analytics to GA4 significantly impacts how you track and analyse your website traffic and user behaviour. While the upgrade process is designed to be as seamless as possible, it is important to be aware of the changes and to be prepared to update your tracking code and reporting dashboards accordingly.

In conclusion, automatic migration may not be the best option for everyone, and it’s important to evaluate the potential benefits and risks in light of your specific needs and goals. 

At the end of the day, it’s essential to maintain a clear understanding of your analytics needs and goals and to carefully weigh the benefits and risks before making any major changes to your analytics strategy. 

This is also a good opportunity for you to re-think what it is that you actually want to measure and what will benefit your business objective, rather than just importing old settings that no longer align with your strategy.

And that is what we can help you with at Tag Digital! Our team can get you up and running in no time.

We also offer workshops for your team to save you a lot of time so that you can focus on your event planning and targets rather than configuring Google Analytics 4. Get in touch now!

Download our full GA4 Guide to see how we can help you get started today.