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Event Marketing Action Plan During Covid-19

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 affecting our global community, our thoughts are with all those affected by the virus. On behalf of the Tag Digital team, we want to update you on our operational event marketing action plan during this time and the steps we have implemented to ensure business continuity for our customers around the world.

Our plan has kicked into action and we want to offer our full support to our clients in the events sector who have been hard hit by this crisis – we appreciate your trust and partnership as well as the spirit of camaraderie we are experiencing right now in the sector.

As a company, we are following government recommendations but operating business as usual in terms of service delivery – all upcoming non essential meetings and travel will be cancelled but all clients offered video conferencing as replacement. 

We are providing:

  • Action points for current event marketing campaigns 
  • Detailed strategies for events that have been postponed to utilise data generated at this time
  • A live webinar, Thurs 4pm GMT – reviewing strategies and answering FAQs
  • Plan for events currently being briefed in 

Action points for current campaigns… 

If your event is postponed

We will pause all campaigns and provide you with a summary of the figures to date. Please provide our team with the proposed event reschedule date if you have one so we can restart campaigns with enough time to promote these.

There are various strategies we are suggesting that will allow you to keep some momentum, capitalize on the traffic you have already built up and generate data – see our blog and join our webinar this week to hear how we can support this.

All investments so far will be rolled over to rescheduled dates with no additional fees.

If your event is cancelled

Campaigns will be paused, summaries provided – also suggest joining our webinar to hear about how you can not lose out on the spend you have already committed to generate awareness for the event.

As part of the process, refunds will only be issued for non-spent media spend for events that have been cancelled. 

If your event is going ahead or just briefed in

We will be implementing the highest value campaigns to ensure the best results for your event. Thank you for your continued trust and partnership with Tag Digital.  We ask that invoices are paid inline with your agreed terms for service continuity. Please look out for further updates but in the meantime if you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team. 

Also please be sure to join our free webinar to learn about the strategies we are implementing and ask any questions you may have.

16th March 2020