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Spotlight on David – Senior Paid Media Manager

Tag Digital Team Spotlight

David joined Tag Digital in July 2021, in that time he has progressed into his role as Senior Paid Media Manager.

Keep reading to see what David has to say about his career journey so far…

What did you do before working at Tag Digital?

I worked as a marketing assistant for a company that supplied brands in the drinks industry – that was my first job out of university.

What attracted you to working at Tag Digital?

I always wanted to work on the agency side of digital marketing.

I was also pretty much self taught in PPC and so the opportunity to work alongside and learn from an experienced team who did it every day was something that attracted me to the job!

The onboarding program we have at Tag Digital was also a stand out in the job advert and the level of training was something I hadn’t noticed in other adverts from other agencies.

How long have you worked at Tag Digital?

I have been working at Tag Digital for 3 years!

What is your role at Tag Digital? How have you progressed since you started?

My current role is Senior Paid Media Manager.

When I first started, I was a Paid Media Executive then about 1 year into the job I was promoted to Paid Media Manager before getting a promotion to my current role last October.

What does your role as Senior Paid Media Manager entail?

I am responsible for running campaigns for clients on Google Ads, Microsoft Ads and programmatic platforms.

I also help mentor junior members of the Google team and assist the rest of the team with any queries they might have.

David traveling to visit clients in Amsterdam and London with Kirsty and Jess.

What do you enjoy most about working at Tag Digital?

The team! Everyone gets on really well with each other.

What is the best thing you have learned since working at Tag Digital?

It’s hard to pinpoint one thing. I have learned so much on the platforms I work with daily.

I had also never experienced working with clients before working with Tag and so that was a massive learning curve for me.

What are your standout moments in your career so far?

I’ve traveled to London and Amsterdam to present annual performance reviews to our key clients and share plans for their next campaign – this is always a great experience!

There have been a lot of fun team building activities and they are always memorable – especially our Tag Away trip to Palma in 2023 to celebrate us hitting our end of year target!

Over the years, I’ve hosted webinars and online education sessions for clients which has also been a highlight.

David and the team at our 2023 Christmas Party & at Tag Away 2023 in Palma.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

My favourite part of the job is how fast paced and busy it can be!

There is also always an opportunity to learn whether that be a new platform or something new within the platforms.

If you would be interested in joining the Tag Digital team, we are still on the lookout for the roles listed below. Please send your CV to

Paid Social Manager

Paid Media Manager

July 2024