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Spotlight on Jonny

Tag Team Spotlight

Jonny shared some insights into his time at Tag Digital over the last 3 and a half years. Take a look at what he had to say:

What did you do before working at Tag Digital?

I graduated from Lancaster in 2015 after studying Marketing, and then moved to the Lake District where I worked at a newspaper in a media sales role. This is where I first encountered paid search & paid social campaigns, although I was selling them and not on the technical side.

What attracted you to working at Tag Digital?

I was given an amazing opportunity to learn about PPC and the events industry from such a supportive team. I joined with no technical experience, but Alex & Ashley were amazing at teaching me everything Google Ads.

How long have you worked at Tag Digital?

I’ve been at Tag now for 3 and a half years – 9th July will be my 4 year Tagiversary!

What is your role at Tag Digital?

I worked across both the Paid Social & Paid Search team initially, eventually moving to the Paid Social team permanently. From there, I progressed to Senior Paid Social Specialist and then to Paid Social Team Lead.

What does your role in the business entail?

I manage the Paid Social team, where we manage paid campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok & Reddit. It’s my job to ensure that performance remains high across Paid Social, ensuring that all members of the team have everything they need to be happy and achieve good results for our clients.

Alongside the managerial responsibilities, I also still build & manage campaigns so that I can help develop new strategies and test new innovations across the platforms.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I love the new challenges that are presented on an ongoing basis – whether it be the iOS update from 2021, new campaign types offered by a channel, or new channels altogether! There’s always something new to learn or to test, and that keeps you on your toes.

That’s not to say I appreciate the iOS update from a measurability standpoint – Apple, change things back to how they were. Please and thank you.

At the beginning of the first lockdown we came up with the idea of recording the Tag Digital Squadcast and have been having lots of fun doing so. The podcast covers a range of topics within the event marketing industry and also features guest speakers. We’ve just upgraded our setup for this so it’s sounding much better than it used to as well!

 This is a really exciting time to be getting involved in this as it brings so many amazing opportunities to learn and grow.

What do you enjoy most about working at Tag Digital?

100% the team of incredible people that I work with. The pandemic has been really difficult, but everybody has supported one another and we’ve still managed to have a productive (and fun!) time, even if we were limited to Slack & Google Meet calls for almost 2 years!

It’s great to now be back in the office where we can learn from each other, push performance even further, and have the occasional squabble over whether ABBA are terrible or not.

What is the best thing you have learned since working at Tag Digital?

Everything that I know about Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and all other social platforms!

It shows how strong the learning & development aspect of our company culture is when I think back to how little I knew back in 2018 – the fact that I can now call myself an expert highlights this.

If you would be interested in joining the Tag Digital team, we are still on the look out for the roles listed below. Please send your CV to or get in touch on LiveChat about these available opportunities.

Head of Social

Paid Social Manager