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Working From Home Challenges and How the Tag Digital Team Combat Them

Most of us have had to adapt our day-to-day lives as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The team has laid out our action plan to ensure business continuity for our customers around the world but it has also meant that many of us need to work from home, which can often be quite challenging. 

Here are 6 of the key challenges that some of the Tag Digital team have faced so far since working from home and their tips on how to combat them:

Challenge 1: Staying Motivated

How to combat this?

  • Set yourself some specific goals for what you want to do each morning and afternoon, then you can also set bigger weekly goals. Setting smaller goals within the bigger ones helps to keep us motivated to working towards our bigger goals. Try to make each goal specific and measurable so that you can feel a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them. 
    • The Tag Digital team share our weekly work, health, helping and learning goals every Monday during a scheduled Google Hangout and catch up again about our achievements at the end of the week.  
    • Make sure you get up from your desk lots and take regular short breaks.
    • Establish a daily mantra to help drive your daily productivity – An example of a daily mantra could be “Stay Focused And Do One Task At A Time” 
    • Some people like to work in silence but others prefer some background noise so if that’s the case then make a playlist before you start work so that you are not getting distracted by changing songs as you try to work!

Challenge 2: Minimise Distractions

How to combat this?

  • Create a dedicated work space so that you maintain concentration when you are in this space.
    • Keep your dedicated work space tidy. No clutter!
    • Keep your phone (and cat) in another room or away from your workspace.
    • Leave your dishes and any other chores until the end of your working day to prevent being sidetracked. 

Challenge 3: Knowing When to Switch from Work Mode to Relaxation Mode

How to combat this?

  • Mark the end of your working hours with a routine activity of your choice and do this consistently. This activity might be to go for a run, start cooking your dinner or simply just tidying up your work environment. 

Challenge 4: Juggling Work and Entertaining the Children

How to combat this?

  • If you are at home with your partner you can work in shifts, then pick up in the evening if necessary. 
    • Make a schedule each morning that includes your work activities, alongside activities for the children and getting outside for some fresh air if possible.

Challenge 5: Feeling Isolated and Lonely

How to combat this?

  • Keep in regular contact with your team, so this might be on messaging apps such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, but make sure to also consider videoconferencing for meetings that might require more detailed conversations. It is definitely nice to see some friendly faces throughout the working day!
    • Organise team activities that you can do through video calls such as Yoga at lunch time or a quiz night.

Challenge 6: Not Snacking All Day Long

How to combat this?

  • Add snacking to your schedule so that you are only having them at a certain time and probably when you would usually have them in your normal working day.
    • Buy healthy snacks and try to pick these up before your sugary treats.
    • Reward yourself with snacks. Do a couple of hours work, then go ahead! 

These are just a handful of quick tips to help you to keep motivated and boost your productivity levels when working from home!

If you have a postponed or cancelled event and need some advice, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team.

30th March 2020